Resources aligned to the Kindy Uplift Program

Use your Kindy Uplift funding in a constructive way that benefits both educators and the children in their care with our resource packs.  

Our resource packs have been carefully put together. Each one aligns with a specific Kindy Uplift priority area, allowing you to purchase packs that meet the needs of your children and community. For instance, is your centre in a culturally diverse community? Our Access and Inclusion pack promotes inclusive practice, builds your understanding of different cultures, and supports EAL learners. 

Learn from experienced authors who take an evidence-based approach. You will discover innovative ideas to enhance your practice. In line with the Kindy Uplift Program, these will enable successful learning and development outcomes. 


What is the Queensland Department of Education’s Kindy Uplift Program? 

The Kindy Uplift Program is an initiative run by the Queensland Department of Education. The funding is for programs, resources, supports and professional development to “build educator capability, support inclusion and improve children’s learning and development.”  

Kindergarten services choose evidence-based initiatives that align with the learning and development needs of the children in their care. These fall under the five priority areas identified: 

  • Social and emotional capability 
  • Physicality 
  • Thinking and responding 
  • Oral language and communication 
  • Access and inclusion. 

Children’s access to and participation in meaningful learning experiences should be strengthened as a result of the Kindy Uplift funding. In line with the aim of the Kindy Uplift Program, this is to improve the early learning outcomes of thousands of Queensland children each year.  

Kindergarten services can use resources from Kindy Uplift providers of their choosing. It is up to the service to evaluate the appropriateness of the provider. There are no providers endorsed or approved by the Department. 

For support with their Kindy Uplift 2024 plan, kindergarten services should look at the Kindy Uplift decision making guide.  

What are Kindy Uplift’s priority areas for learning and development? 

There are five Kindy Uplift Program priority areas for learning and development: 

  • Social and emotional capability aims for children to feel safe, secure and confident in themselves and the learning environment. They are empowered to engage in learning, manage their emotions, and connect positively with others. 
  • Physicality focuses on helping children to become confident movers by developing their coordination, strength, and gross and fine motor skills. It enables children to interact with the learning environment and supports their physical wellbeing. 
  • Thinking and responding aids children to respond to stimuli and process this information to make meaning by drawing on their current knowledge. It also helps them to respond in culturally appropriate ways. 
  • Access and inclusion support the creation of environments where children and their families feel welcome and culturally supported. Inclusive practice is also embedded within the program, allowing all children to participate. 
  • Oral language and communication allow children to express their thoughts, feelings and emotions, make themselves understood, listen to others, and make meaning from texts. 

What are the benefits of Kindy Uplift training in 2024? 

The benefits of Kindy Uplift training in 2024 extend to educators, the children in their care, and the children’s families.  

A key aim of the Kindy Uplift Program is to build educator capability. What this means is the professional learning initiatives chosen by educators and centres should improve their knowledge, skills and practices related to targeted priority areas.  

An example of this can be seen in our Cultural and Social Inclusion professional development course. In line with the access and inclusion priority area, this aims to foster engagement with families who have diverse cultural backgrounds to make them feel welcome. Educators working with these families would choose this professional learning. 

Those who should ultimately benefit from Kindy Uplift training are children and their families. Kindy Uplift funding should be used for initiatives that respond to the learning and development needs of kindergarten children and improve their learning outcomes.  

For example, to improve their ability to respond to stimuli and make meaning.   

Our online professional development courses and resource packs have been designed with this in mind. These draw on evidence-based approaches to positively influence children’s learning and development.